Can't get balance...


Aug 16, 2019
I have a chicken that is 4-5 months old....she acts perfectly normal, eats, drinks, poops...the problem...she can't get her balance. She has strength in her legs, her claws wrap around my finger...this has been going on for 5 days.....if I put her out in the yard, she either lays there and looks around or tries to move, but just can't get upright.....I would appreciate any input...I have thought about putting her down, but with her acting normal, I keep hesitating......Thank you for any help..
Welcome to BYC. I had an older hen who had this problem for 5 weeks last winter. I had to feed her 3 times a day, chicken feed with water, egg, cat food, and tuna.I gave her vitamins with riboflavin (B2) and she finally got better and started walking again. My hen never lost the strength in her legs, and could stand, but could not balance, and would fall over or sit down.

Your pullet is at the age that Mareks disease might show up. There are many strains with many different symptoms in each bird. I would start some vitamins or Bcomplex tablets 1/4 tablet daily, but any vitamin must have riboflavin. Time will tell if she has an injury, an infection somewhere putting pressure on her leg nerves, or something else causing balance issues. Chicken slings or chairs can be helpful to get her up and in front of food and water. Here is a good article or two about Mareks and another about chicken chairs: Recognizing and Preventing Mareks Disease in Small Flocks.pdf
Thank you for your thoughts.....My hen seemed a tiny bit improved today.....I have been giving her vitamin B.....her appetite is great.....I will continue to work with her and see how she is over the next several days.....thank you for the articles....
i just made a sling for her....she is putting weight on her legs...I would guess that her legs are weak since she hasn't used them for a week, so I'm thinking that this will help build her leg strength...I am a beginner with chickens, a couple of years...I do love them, they bring me joy....I have lots to learn
What vitamin product are you using? Slings can be good if they tolerate being in them. Of course take her out often to sleep or to try and get around and stretch.
Does it have riboflavin (B2) listed on the label? Any chick vitamin with riboflavin is good. Human B complex 1/4 tablet crushe onto food is also good.

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