Can't lay, won't lay?


5 Years
Aug 25, 2014
BC Canada

One of my three "15month old" chickens has not laid an egg in the entire time I've had her, she was bottom of the pecking order so I introduced three new younger chickens, and fed her (her names House) separately so she is DEFINATELY getting food, but, In two months has neither laid or cockadoodledooed. Do we think she is sick? She seems as bolshi as the other older ladies, any ideas?
(Ps she is a pet so she is staying even if she never pays her keep so no terminal solutions thanks :D ) also she hasn't yet started moulting and I think she's a black maran, my two cuckoo marans have started to moult and lay one egg every other day now days are shorter.
That's a long time to go without laying but not unheard of. Make sure she's eating a grower or finisher feed rather than layer. Layer feed at 4% calcium is too high for a bird not making egg shells. Eventually they will get kidney stones and other organ calcification that may kill them.
Has been 7 weeks I've had them now. Do I need to segregate her to stop her eating layer pellets then? I just leave them out.
You can just feed them all a non-layer feed and provide oyster shell in a separate container for those laying. I have mixed flocks and don't feed layer. There's a pint container of oyster shell by the nests and another by the feeder.
X2 on feeding starter/grower to the whole flock and supplementing calcium. Also, if you're sure of her age, you may want to look into the possibility of her being egg bound.
Not sure of her age, she could potentially be too old, too big to be too young, how would I know if she's egg bound? Only encountered that in fish before (and they died!)
I have a girl in a similar situation, only she is 6 months old. Her sister (same breed) the same age has been laying for 4 weeks. I understand the layer feed issue but wondered how to get the other girls the calcium.

So am I to understand that the girls laying are smart enough to eat the oyster shell, and those not laying will not? It sure would make It simpler to add new flockmates also.
I have a girl in a similar situation, only she is 6 months old. Her sister (same breed) the same age has been laying for 4 weeks. I understand the layer feed issue but wondered how to get the other girls the calcium.

So am I to understand that the girls laying are smart enough to eat the oyster shell, and those not laying will not? It sure would make It simpler to add new flockmates also.

Yes, those who need it will eat the supplement. Those who don't may eat a little but not enough to do them any harm. I have a mixed age flock that includes one cockerel and a pullet who are 14 weeks and layer feed would not only do harm to their growth but to their organs as well which can be both painful and fatal to them. Even when the pullet does begin to lay, I will continue to feed starter/grower for my cockerel's sake.
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God that looks horrific, I chased her down and have her a squidge and she's not lumpy in the right areas so I don't think it's that, at least I hope not!
She's not fat either, her body is same shape as girls who are laying.
Will get some starter food and oyster and grit is in a seperate bowl already do that'll be ok.
They eat corn scratch too, could that be culprit?

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