Can't look away from trainwrecks


Rhymes with 'henn'
11 Years
Jun 14, 2008
South Puget Sound
Does anyone else find themselves strangely and morbidly interested in the threads that get locked? When I see one it's like, "ooohhh... what happened THERE? Lemme see!!"

It's such a gulity pleasure, lol.
Yeah and it makes me nuts when the mod doesn't put the reason!
Heh, they nearly always do, and it's the first post I read. hehehehe Then I'll go backward to see how it unfolded.


(I must need a hobby)
My all time fav reason for a thread to be locked:

"Since this thread is pretty much guaranteed to go in the toilet, I will go ahead and flush it now."


Isn't it Carri that says that? Some of these mods crack me up. There is um one that needs a hug. Most of them have a tough job and do it great. Anytime people get together, whether it;s online or in person, there is bound to be a, um, difference of opinions. One poster spanked me hard the other day. Ooops
Your welcome, I'm the one that usually puts rocks on the train tracks.

I really need to stop doing that.

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