cardinals trying to get in


10 Years
Aug 11, 2009
Bloomsdale, MO
Ok for the past 3 days I have had a pair of cardnals trying to get in the house. they perch on the windows and peck at the glass. then they try to fly in. they have tried the living room AN THE BED ROOM. I have tried everything I can think of to get them to quit. Including holing a cat up to the window. any ideas
I don't think they are trying to get in. I think they are fighting with their reflections in the glass. Close the blinds, curtains, etc., so their reflection is not as sharp, or stop cleaning your windows so they aren't reflective at all. Personally I'd go with option 2
Get used to it until mating season is over. They are after the 'other bird' and will kill themselves even trying to get at it. I agree with gritsar, not much you can do shy of smearing some mud on the glass
lol.png would work though if you just get enough of their stupidity.

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