careful what you wish for - broody - she's backkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk


Cows, Chooks & Impys - OH MY!
14 Years
Nov 9, 2007
SW Arkansas
After two years of praying, begging, pleading for a broody hen I've got one. Of course the way my luck runs, my new broody hen is my half-blind, half-witted (yes! a chicken can be only half-witted!) hen Lil' Bit.

Not sure whether I'm going to try and break her or not.
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Just don't let her set on her own eggs.
I'm still hoping for one here, but it is a dual edged sword for sure. My egg production has dropped by a third the last two days so I'm pretty sure I have some renegades hiding a nest o'rr two. If it's not raining tomorrow I think I'll go sit out in the barnyard with a book and spy on them. Good luck with you're girl!
Just don't let her set on her own eggs.
I'm still hoping for one here, but it is a dual edged sword for sure. My egg production has dropped by a third the last two days so I'm pretty sure I have some renegades hiding a nest o'rr two. If it's not raining tomorrow I think I'll go sit out in the barnyard with a book and spy on them. Good luck with you're girl!

Thanks. If she sticks for a couple days I'll give her some eggs, but not too many. She's just like a little girl with attention deficeit....I'm broody, I'm broody, lalalalalala...oh look at that pretty butterfly...lalalala, oh yeah what was I doing? Oh that's right I'm broody, I'm broody.
your lucky i'm begging for my hens to go broody again. Once i think i've got one, nope they jump right off the eggs. Last year i hatched 8 eggs around this time so i'm hoping my hen will want to hatch again soon.
Thanks. If she sticks for a couple days I'll give her some eggs, but not too many. She's just like a little girl with attention deficeit....I'm broody, I'm broody, lalalalalala...oh look at that pretty butterfly...lalalala, oh yeah what was I doing? Oh that's right I'm broody, I'm broody. roll


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