Caring for a tiny flock: Daily/Weekly/Monthly/Yearly Chores Checklist?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Aug 8, 2010
I'm hoping to put together a Daily/Weekly/Monthly/Yearly Chores Checklist for maintaining a healthy tiny flock of 3 hens. I assumed that such a thing would already exist on the internet (doesn't everything already exist on the internet?), but I couldn't find one. Does anyone have one they could share?
The first book I bought when I started with chickens had such a summary. So I'll quote it. I'm not condoning any of the info contained in this list, I'm just providing information. This book focused on making chickens cost-effective rather than treating them as pets. So take some of the info with a grain of salt.


Feed your flock.
Provide clean water.
Replace wet litter.
Collect eggs and note the # on your record sheet.
Check the health of your flock.
Check your fence for holes or other problems.
Record any related income or expenses.


Scrub all feeders and waterers.
Add litter to nests, if needed.
Check for mites and lice every 2 weeks.


Add litter to coop floor
Tally monthly income, expenses and egg records.
Brush perches and legs with vegetable oil.


Collect eggs often so they don't freeze.
Provide warm water twice a day.
Provide layers with 14 hours of light.
Check coop for drafts.
Watch for frozen combs.


Hatch Chicks
Clean and disinfect coop
Eliminate puddles where spring run-off or rain collects.
Set mouse traps near food storage bins.
Keep your flock away from sprayed lawns or gardens.


Collect eggs often in hot weather.
Provide your flock with shade.
Provide cool water; keep it in the shade.
Cull any undesired chicks.
Keep hens and broilers away from onions and garlic​
Give treats daily!!

Well, in moderation.
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Great idea. It would insure that you didn't miss something or let it get out of control. What's this about no onions and garlic? I better go check that out now.
Something about their eggs tasing like onions/garlic if they eat it? I might try making some gourmet eggs

JessicainOhio, I'm in the same situation! I'm getting my FIRST chicken today, a buff laced Polish, and I'll have a total of 3 birds in the next week or so. There's so much info out there, it's great to have a concise To-Do list! Thanks AllTheseCreatures!
I guess if it's just a monthly task, it's not such a big deal to add to the list. (<--this from the woman who's only been caring for chickens for less than 24 hours).
What else can you do to prevent mites? What about worms? Do people do a yearly/bi-yearly worming? I hear chickens pretty much will have worms unless you worm them once or twice a year.

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