Carnivorous Plant Bog at home


Apr 30, 2021
Middle of Kansas
So, I recently bought a pitcher plant. My grandma used to have them in Florida (far more suitable than Kansas) and I couldn't stop thinking about them after seeing one in my local nursery.
That being said, even the staff at the nursery weren't positive on the best care practices for the baby and didn't have the types of soil I needed to create an ideal home for it. It's just been hanging out in the original soil I bought it in until last night when I decided to recreate a bog at home. I saw this kit from California Carnivores (GORGEOUS plants btw) to build your own bog, and I figured I had pretty much everything I needed to do it myself.
So the first picture is the first layer of the bog, with specialized (unfertilized/untreated) moss and rocks to help with drainage and humidity control.
After that, I mixed equal parts of the soil it came with and orchid soil since that was what I had on hand and it was compatible according to my expert googling. Then I layered just orchid soil on top to create a layer of mulch to hold in moisture and protect the soil from our killer winds. You can see both layers in the second picture.
The third and fourth pictures show the final product, on the night of and the day after. I put this blue glass bulb waterer in there because the bog has to be bottom watered. If it was larger, I'd put another pot with drainage holes in the middle and fill that with water instead. Creating a bit of a planter doughnut. I checked on the bog this morning and already had to refill the bulb today, but the orchid I used soil was bone dry last night.

Please give me your feedback and pictures of any carnivorous plants you have! I'd love to see them and learn more.


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