I used the carton method on my last two hatches, and in inspecting unhatched eggs after the fact, found that I had several in both groups that had developed chicks that died before pipping. In most, they were upside down. With both groups, I had the eggs lying on their sides and hand-turned them the first 18 days, then put them into the cartons to hatch. Now this may have had absolutely NOTHING to do with the carton method, but... I have to wonder whether they would've been able to hatch if left on their sides... so now my next experiment will be putting them in cartons from the beginning and just doing the "prop up each side" method of turning. That way they are air-cell side up all along and maybe they'd have a better chance of getting themselves oriented the right way for hatching. I've got a few days coming up that I'll be gone, so I'm leaving the bator empty until then. How pathetic am I that I wish I didn't have this trip planned now so that I didn't have to take this bator break? I've definitely got the sickness.
You guys are all a bad influence. You know that?