Carving eggs

Jul 22, 2021
My chickens will start laying in 5-10 weeks so I've been getting nest boxes prepared. Fake eggs are too expensive at the moment and I couldn't find the golf balls I was planning to use so I had an idea to carve my own. Here is the first one, I'll be painting them a tan color. I know the shape is a little off but carving is hard and I've never carved anything before, what do guys think? Will this pass the chickens radar?
Another easy and very cheap option for training eggs,,,, are boiled eggs. Boiled eggs will not spoil all that fast, and will not crack. Just mark them with a marker, and weekly change out. The week old ones just feed them back to the chickens.
If you are just starting out,,,, and your chickens are not laying yet,,,, understandable. Grocery store eggs by me are 99cents dozen.
Don't worry too much even if the shape is a bit off. The hen's don't all lay uniformed shaped egg's either. A broody will even sit on a rock, or even an ice pack.
My husband was talking about using plastic easter eggs as a mold, tape them shut, and drill out a hole in one end and fill the with leftover concrete and I didn't think that would word cause it'd basically be a rock lol good to know they aren't that picky. I've got a basket full of wood scraps to choose from, figures the kids won't play with the building blocks I bought but collect all of dh scraps and now each of the kids wants an egg too 😆 If only I could find an easier way to carve them, my hands are really sore today.

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