Cat attack!

Indiana hens

11 Years
Jun 25, 2008
Pendleton, Indiana
Yesterday we tracked the cat to the ditch. Winchester the cat was curling his lip and peeing. Buddy the dog was sniffing and peeing. I gave the Buff hen 16 stitches. She had some muscle dammage on her leg and a few puncture holes beside the gash. I put her in the basement under a heat lamp. She is still alive this morning! I was thinking about an injection of antibiotics. What do you think? Do they have a blood bank for chickens?
Yes on the antibiotic. I had to have my hen Ellie on oral antibiotics daily for awhile after a dog attack. She is okay now.
Drop of Rescue Remedy in her water for stress.
So sorry to hear about your misfortune. I would most definately give antibiotics as cat cat scratches and bites can be very nasty! Best of luck to you.

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