Caught cat in coop


12 Years
May 13, 2007
I don't know why she was so interested in the coop, she's never done that before. A little while later she had jumped on the roof!


I too have kitties that like to go in the coop-only they usually only go in there or the pen when I'm right there because they are afraid of the chickens. The chickens are bigger than them and the chickens go after the cats. The cats learned the hard way what a chicken beak feels like! :eek:
All our cats learned the hard way to leave the chickens alone but some of the kittens like to go into the coop and eat some chicken feed??
My cat is scared of the chickens too. She goes to the smaller coops and drinks their water while all the chickens gang up on her food and water dish to eat all the food and drink half the water, just to leave dirt and yucky stuff in the bottom if they don't go tip it over before they leave.
Most of my cats stay clear of the chickens. I have one kitten though that likes them. He will go lay beside their fence. One hen would go over to pick him and he would bat the fence then she would leave him alone. Now he lays there and the chickens ignore him.
My cat used to harass my chickens but she got tired of being sprayed with the water hose!!

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