Cause of death?


Or is that me pretending? WHTMHE?
Premium Feather Member
May 28, 2021
Southern Virginia & Shawnee Ohio
Hey all. I’m at my grandparents farm, my grandma texted me this morning because one of her hens was dead, I went to look at it and the only thing I can figure is some form of shock/trauma. She was around 5yrs old. No knowledge of odd behavior before this. I do think the flock may have Coccidiosis (runny poops and droopy/slightly pale combs & wattles) so my grandma is treating them with corid now. Was hoping for some other opinions on how the hen could have died? Their flock is a mixed flock, 2-5 years old, one Roo and 12 hens. Tyia


This is how/where she was found


A not great picture of the inside of the coop (not sure if she could have jumped from something and injured herself some how) I’ll try to get a better one later


And a couple pictures of the hen
Could a chicken have flown down from the feed thing and trampled her?
I guess it’s possible, she was a good sized hen though. I feel like it would have taken a bit to trample her

I’d do an autopsy. That is one of the best ways to figure out why your chicken randomly died.
I agree, but I don’t have the skills to do one myself. My grandparents aren’t the type to get a vet for something like that for a chicken. We already dealt with the body
Sorry to hear it. Could be many things including a heart attack. 5 years is around the upper limit for many hens.
I thought about that. My grandma thinks she flew off the roost and hit the door or something, but I’m not sure. Of course there really isn’t any way to know for certain though
I thought about that. My grandma thinks she flew off the roost and hit the door or something, but I’m not sure. Of course there really isn’t any way to know for certain though
Could be. My neighbour told me his rooster jumped from a yard table the other day, misjudged the jump and hit a door sideways not too badly at first glance. Dropped dead on the spot. His conclusion was heart attack.

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