I have two Cayugas (both ladies I think) hatched around the second week of May. From the start one was bigger and the other was smaller and super skittish. Now the big one is verging on the perfect duck. The other however WON'T. STOP. QUACKING. I understand there is a certain amount of expected noise, their talking and a good quack quack quack to greet the rooster a few doors down and every once an a while. This little one quacks for hours, and really hard too. Like it hurts my throat sometimes to hear it force the quacks out.
Seems like it needs something but I can't figure out what. Food crumbles and water are always present, the water in multiple locations. I have a treat water dish where I throw greens (dandelion and purslane) and this use to work but is now ignored. When I put peas in there they both looked at them but acted more scared than interested and never ate them. Same with diced up apples. I tried soaking alfalfa pellets - no go - and adding oyster shells to their crumbles. They both do love mealworms but those are treats.
When I peek out to see whats going on there is one duck happily digging and eating the flowers around it and the other is just standing there straining to quack. No predator issues or external stimulus for the most part.
Also it seems relevant that the happy duck is greening up nicely and the loud one has no green. It's head also seems wetter which seems like an oil production issue. Its feathers don't look nearly as good as the happy one either. Pictures are attached to show the difference in the feathers and give an idea of their habitat.
Thanks in advance, I just want the duck to be happy. And quiet-er.
Seems like it needs something but I can't figure out what. Food crumbles and water are always present, the water in multiple locations. I have a treat water dish where I throw greens (dandelion and purslane) and this use to work but is now ignored. When I put peas in there they both looked at them but acted more scared than interested and never ate them. Same with diced up apples. I tried soaking alfalfa pellets - no go - and adding oyster shells to their crumbles. They both do love mealworms but those are treats.
When I peek out to see whats going on there is one duck happily digging and eating the flowers around it and the other is just standing there straining to quack. No predator issues or external stimulus for the most part.
Also it seems relevant that the happy duck is greening up nicely and the loud one has no green. It's head also seems wetter which seems like an oil production issue. Its feathers don't look nearly as good as the happy one either. Pictures are attached to show the difference in the feathers and give an idea of their habitat.
Thanks in advance, I just want the duck to be happy. And quiet-er.