The primary issue with cedar shavings (versus let's say chunks or boards or posts) is the high amount of exposed surface area which means more aromatic oils are released. Also I have to imagine these shavings are very fresh. Maybe if they're aged very well it'd be ok to use a little of it mixed with other woods or other plant products in an open air coop or run, but I would be wary of using it in large quantities.

I definitely would not use it on rabbits or other small rodents.

I can use the shavings that are older, they don't run it very often and the shavings sit out in the open air.

The run and coop I have is an open coop and run. I only cover it when the temperature drops or we have bad storms here.

Also, the floor of the chicken run and under the rabbit hutches are dirt and I also put hay and lawn clippings down.

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