
Lucky.... I have been looking for some in the US for a few weeks now.. My Parents think they are evil spawn but I think they are wicked looking.. In a good way.. Have fun and Most defintly WE NEED PICS when those bad boys hatch..
Well here I am again patiently waiting for the chicks to hatch they are due on Wednesday/Thursday,There looks to be 6 that are looking good and I saw movement on the last candling
2 have hatched and I can hear peeping from 2 more I will post pictures of the chicks if anyone is interested:D
We're all interested! If they're Ayam Cemani, for certain!
I know there's oooh one person with an Ayam Cemani cross in the US, but wow you're lucky!
.................Here are the 2 chicks ayam cemani I think this is all that is going to hatch but I will leave the others in just to make sure I will post more pictures as they grow

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