Central NY Cooperstown area - 9 hens, 1 roo urgently need home


Crossing the Road
Premium Feather Member
May 8, 2020
Central New York USA
They are Golden Comets, free. Friend knows the homeowner, there was a caretaker who had them, they may be about a year old, currently need a keeper, the caretaker left without taking the chickens and the homeowner doesn't like chickens. I'd love for them to not end up in freezer camp...can't take any myself, I don't have the facilities. IMG_0684.JPG
They're Buff Orpingtons, and young birds. Try posting in the NY state thread. Anyone who takes them will be lucky.
I will make a new post there then. I did a "reply" post to someone in Upstate NY who said they would like some chickens, no reply yet. Golden Comets was what my friend was told. How can you tell without a close up picture?
lol I wonder if some of the stores that package your items to ship have containers for that many hens ........I would definately be interested if they did I'm wanting hens but I'm in Missouri. If you discover you could ship them let me know how much it would cost and I might be interested in them.
lol I wonder if some of the stores that package your items to ship have containers for that many hens ........I would definately be interested if they did I'm wanting hens but I'm in Missouri. If you discover you could ship them let me know how much it would cost and I might be interested in them.
LOL but seriously no, shipping would not be possible except by heated truck or plane in a cage or two with food and water. If you wouldn't ship your dog or cat then don't try it with chickens would be a good rule of thumb!
I put lol because I was not serious however, hatcheries DO SHIP BIRDS ALL THE TIME, and people do ship dogs and other animals it is possible. It is done in the right containers and if you contacted the post office authorities or looked at McMurray hatchery website and others you would see they do sell and ship adult birds. Not to be a smart ass but it is possible. I do realize it is not the cheapest thing to do and would cost and the containers are specific to the animals. Overnighting things is quite expensive but so are adult hens. They sell at hatcheries for 25 or sometimes even 29 or higher now. I suggest you don't totally negate the idea if someone asked and offered to pay shipping. Ten hens at 25 dollars each from a hatchery would be quite expensive.
Adult birds do quite well in the cold temperatures the are insulated by their down feathers and many people don't even heat their coops. Frostbite and keeping them dry are the problems. Good luck! It is much cheaper to ship chicks but they are more delicate and do need to be in temperature controlled setting but adult birds are not as sensitive.

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