Central TX Predator


12 Years
May 30, 2007
Hi and Good Morning to all,

Got a picture for you. We have problems with these critters here in Central TX. I haven't had any get my girls yet, but my neighbor has.

Yes I did! If you have anything getting in and cannot figure out how they got in, it's probably one of these. They can get through the smallest cracks.
Yes that is why my dh put 1/2 inch cage wire on my coop. It would have to be a really small critter to get in that, even coverd the floor and I just keep pine mulch over the wire. I keep watching for snakes anyway as we live on a creek and I think they just smell chickens. So far we havent seen any poisonous ones.

It's called a rat snake or chicken snake. Don't know its official name. They mainly eat chicks and eggs, but I have seen some big enough to eat a grown chicken. They use constriction. Non venimous. We have others such as cotton mouth, king, etc., but these chicken snakes are what I have seen the most of around here. My aunt just happened to be looking out her window one day and saw one chasing a frog.
We have them ALL OVER. I keep finding dead baby snakes (rat snakes) everywhere, and my cat keeps killing them. I'm really scared for my 4 week old chicks. Too many predators!!!
Yes Cheri, you are absolutely right, but the bad thing about it is I can't remember the riddle about red to black and red to yellow, which one is the coral and which one is the king. I had a real big problem with them one year I was seeing all kinds of snakes and they were under my house. Everytime I went outside it seemed like I either saw one go under or come out from under the house. I am scared of them. They may not hurt me, but they will make me hurt myself! I had mice the winter before and they were after them. They rid me of the mouse in the house problem. I put out sulfur all around the perimeter and it got rid of them. Well, needless to say, the mice came back. I am always finding baby snakes and grown ones. One day as I was coming out my back door I saw the granddaddy of them all (chicken snake) coming out from the opening where the air conditioner sits. He was a whopper. I ran for the shovel and he was gone when I got back. I don't care what the snake experts and snake lovers say, I will kill every snake I see if I get the chance. Especially the poisousnous ones.
Red and yellow kill a fellow,
Red and black, bite him back!

I understand how you feel about snakes, but personally I'd rather have them around than rats and mice with all their fleas and diseases they can pass on to people. Gimme a few snakes any day! (Of course, around here it seems like all we've got are rattlesnakes, and I'd really rather they went elsewhere...)
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