Cephalexin dosage, Bantam hen with Ear & Skin infection.


Apr 12, 2021
Hello all,
Need some help with my bantam hen, weight approx 2lbs. Started of with classic ear infection symptoms. Cleaned out a large pus plug ---- it was like bumble ear. Kept watch & All seemed well for a few days but it flared up. This time I noticed her feet were horribly crusted underneath all those feathers. Appears to be classic, advanced scaly leg mites. She's been constantly broody & raised several clutches, so I'm not surprised it escaped me til now. Treated her & all coop mates with Ivermectin. Put her on FishMox 125mg 2x day for 7 days & topical antibiotic ointment for ear.
Seemed improved. Went away for a week & upon return, infection returned & now in both ears. Upped FishMox to 250 2x day. Ear discharge has mostly resolved but the outer skin has become swollen & crusty, spreading a little to behind the ear & under wattles.
I now believe she has a secondary skin infection.
Bathed with 4% chlorhexidine & have applied microsilver & Manuka Honey (feet as well).
Reaching back a few years I remember my senior dog was prescribed Cephalexin for a recurrent skin infection with similar crusty, weepy symptoms.
I have Cephalexin 500mg capsules on hand and think this may be the way to go, but unsure of dosage & frequency.
Really hoping to get this lovely girl back on track. She has gone broody during this time so I'm allowing her to sit, which makes isolation & treatment easier.
Add: I will upload pics later.
Are you cleaning the ear still? Amoxicillin should have helped with the ear infection. The skin problem could be something altogether different. More antibiotics could really mess up the bacterial flora in her digestive system. I would offer some probiotics, such as Probios or the generic equivalent. A vet might be in order. Cephalexin dosage according to Plumbs in post 3 here is 35-50 mg per kilogram (each 2.2 pounds) given 4 times a day.
Are you cleaning the ear still? Amoxicillin should have helped with the ear infection. The skin problem could be something altogether different. More antibiotics could really mess up the bacterial flora in her digestive system. I would offer some probiotics, such as Probios or the generic equivalent. A vet might be in order. Cephalexin dosage according to Plumbs in post 3 here is 35-50 mg per kilogram (each 2.2 pounds) given 4 times a day.
Thank you. I do share your concern about overload with the antibiotics, even wondering if the 2 rounds of mox may have triggered yeast outbreak. I'm not opposed to a vet visit if I can't get a handle on it. But I prefer to run through my viable options first. So far she's still feeling OK, eating well, pooping normally, energy is good, no respiratory symptoms.
I do tend the ears daily. Initially that meant extracting pus but now just swabbing a little fluid out & applying a little vetricyn. The skin condition has become the bigger concern.
Oh, & I forgot to mention that during treatment I pulled a single little bug off her head (see enlarged pic). Tiny & long bodied, assume louse/lice. This was a couple days after ivermectin treatment. I checked her over thoroughly & didn't find any others. Other than the ear/head & feet the rest of the skin & feathers look great.
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