Change in egg color question


9 Years
Apr 27, 2011
University Place, WA
I just went out and collected eggs to find a really light pink one. I have 10 hens. All are brown egg layers with the exception of two that are EE (one lays Olive Eggs and the other more green/blue eggs) and another EE that layed about 3-4 (I believe they were her eggs and they were green/blue) eggs and then stopped. So my question would be, is this light pink egg from one of the brown egg layers or could my EE who stopped laying eggs that were green/blue, now be pink? Another question would be, what makes the pigment in the shell change color?

Thanks for your help!
They don't change color once they lay an egg of a certain color it does not change. EE that lay blue eggs will never lay a pink one. The tint is the last thing added in the egg making process.
It is most likely a brown egg layer who's colored plumbing has hit a snag, sometimes the older hens will lay lighter tinted eggs. Yes the color wash is the last part of the cycle as it prepares to exit the vent. it may return to brown color just as some eggs have some little dark spots on them.
Thank you! I have been doing some research and it sounds like all egg layers shells can change colors now and again. Now that I think about it, it makes sense because sometimes my eggs have speckles although most of the time, they don't. I guess I was just wishing in the back of my mind that my hen who doesn't lay, started laying again. Oh well. I have a feeling one of my Buff Orpingtons layed the light pink egg because of the location of the egg.
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