Change in Plans!


5 Years
Jan 27, 2014
Central Oregon
Well, I'm almost embarassed to say, but about 3-4 weeks ago I posted in this thread my "ideal" chicken coop and how I was going to do this, do that, and build it myself. Well, circumstances being what they are (I'm 70 years old now and by myself) reality has set in and I've scaled down my big dreams and rather than build something from scratch I've today ordered a small chicken coop that is "somewhat" ready to go for what I need.

I'll be making many changes to the basic structure, which right now measures 48.0" H x 32" W x 74" D , but here's a pic of it:

First of all, I'll install a piece of rain gutter over the nesting box where it meets the main structure so water doesn't get in (there isn't enough overhang so I know it will leak). Secondly I'll be raising the entire thing up about 1 to 1-1/2 feet so that the run which you see there in the pic can be taller in height (I can't stoop much). Then the second major thing is to get rid of that so-called "run" entirely and build a much longer/wider one so that my 3 hens can have some space plus put their water/feed in there also. I'll try to end up with a run that will be approx. 8 feet long and at least 50" tall.

So! Any comments/suggestions would be MOST appreciated. I expect delivery in 10 days....wish this 'ol senior gal luck!
Well, I'm almost embarassed to say, but about 3-4 weeks ago I posted in this thread my "ideal" chicken coop and how I was going to do this, do that, and build it myself. Well, circumstances being what they are (I'm 70 years old now and by myself) reality has set in and I've scaled down my big dreams and rather than build something from scratch I've today ordered a small chicken coop that is "somewhat" ready to go for what I need.

I'll be making many changes to the basic structure, which right now measures 48.0" H x 32" W x 74" D , but here's a pic of it:

First of all, I'll install a piece of rain gutter over the nesting box where it meets the main structure so water doesn't get in (there isn't enough overhang so I know it will leak). Secondly I'll be raising the entire thing up about 1 to 1-1/2 feet so that the run which you see there in the pic can be taller in height (I can't stoop much). Then the second major thing is to get rid of that so-called "run" entirely and build a much longer/wider one so that my 3 hens can have some space plus put their water/feed in there also. I'll try to end up with a run that will be approx. 8 feet long and at least 50" tall.

So! Any comments/suggestions would be MOST appreciated. I expect delivery in 10 days....wish this 'ol senior gal luck!

I love it. It will be great when your done. Have fun and enjoy it.

Oh an make sure to post pictures!!
Not gonna wish you luck, 'ol senior gal because I believe in you and you don't need luck.
Thanks, lismarc! I can picture it strewn all over the backyard, me sitting on the lawn with the instruction manual...pulling my hair out, what's left of it!!
Thanks, lismarc! I can picture it strewn all over the backyard, me sitting on the lawn with the instruction manual...pulling my hair out, what's left of it!!

hahaha. I know that feeling all to well... Only, I use kids playhouses for my chickens and geese. The small ones not those huge ones. I'd never be able to build one of those by myself. Can't wait for you to get it and post pictures of the build.
Holy Cow! I just did a tracking on my little coop's scheduled for delivery TODAY!!! I'm so excited I can hardly stand it!

5:16 am
On FedEx vehicle for delivery

5:14 am
At local FedEx facility


Figures it's a droopy, rainy day today, but I'm staying PUT until that truck gets here!
Yes, it came and my friend and I put it together last week...was super easy! With that said, boy howdy, is it SMALL!! Looks like a giant doll house of sorts! LOL But after looking closely at it we are going to cut off the right side entirely, raise up the coop 2 feet on a 4x4 frame, then rebuild the run so it's much bigger and pics just yet...wish me luck!! I'll need it!!! :)

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