changes in feed for extreme winter hens.


7 Years
Oct 18, 2016
n. maine
im in n.Maine and it gets wicked cold here. its been a few years (like 20) since I've kept chickens through the winter. used to just give them their layer feed and call it good. would it be better to give them high protein feed for the extra energy and some oyster shells just for winter months? i would think the extra protien would also help egg production as well as help them keep warm.
im in n.Maine and it gets wicked cold here. its been a few years (like 20) since I've kept chickens through the winter. used to just give them their layer feed and call it good. would it be better to give them high protein feed for the extra energy and some oyster shells just for winter months? i would think the extra protien would also help egg production as well as help them keep warm.
I always mix in about 20% cracked corn in the winter to help keep my flock warm. I never strived for much winter production, no extra lighting or anything special, because I only hatched out in spring and summer. But they loved the corn and it helped keep them warm.
I give mine a handful of scratch and mix in oatmeal when they are regrowing feathers.
I've also been known to cook and feed warm oatmeal on super cold days, and make sure they have a place to get in out of the wind and where they can snuggle up together if the feel chilled.

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