Changing Chicken Laws in Palos Heights, IL

I will be moving from Chicago to Palos Heights in mid-November and hope to have 3 chickens in the spring. Is there any update? Can I do anything to help? I'm a chicken novice, though I have completed a raptor rescue/rehab course (on the opposite end of the bird spectrum I guess!)

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Hey everyone,

I checked the latest meeting minutes posted on the City of Palos Heights website (September 2017) and found this (YAY!):

Chicken Ordinance
Chairman McGrogan stated that they have been discussing the chicken ordinance for a
year and now have some drafts to review. Tom Brown had made some adjustments to the
wording of the ordinance.
Alderman Fulkerson moved to propose that the City Council adopt the chicken ordinance
as drafted. Seconded by Chairman McGrogan. All in favor and motion carried. AGENDA
This will now go to City Hall for a vote. This ordinance will be on a test basis and any
resident that receives a license will need to renew that license yearly.
Can I ask where you saw this? I was looking at the minutes and found this in the 9/19/17
Alderman McGrogan moved to draft an Ordinance Allowing for the Raising and
Regulation of Chickens seconded by Alderman Fulkerson.
On roll call, the motion to draft the ordinance was:
Ayes: (2) McGrogan, Fulkerson
Nays: (5) Bylut, Clifford, Key, Kramarski, McGovern
With two (2) affirmative votes the motion failed.
Hi everyone,

Weayway did so much work on getting this ordinance to City Hall and it's very disappointing to see it flop. Especially since our elected officials didn't seem to reach out to any of the residents for our opinions. I'm not giving up though. I was told in so many words from some other city hall folk that the way to change their minds is through their votes. So the more residents who support the ordinance, the more they will listen. I'm doing what I can to start a grassroots initiative, beginning with a facebook community page and a petition. As both grow, I will move on to endorsements from local businesses like farm-to-table restaurants and other sustainable interests. Maybe do some campaigning at the Palos Heights train station or a popular grocery store. I am also considering reaching out to schools and churches but need to test the waters first. Once I have a substantial amount of supporters, I will reconnect with City Hall. Please join our cause! I'm attaching links to the facebook community page and the petition. I appreciate everyone's support, particularly any Palos Heights residents. THANK YOU!!!

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