Changing sleeping locations when integrating chicks


Sep 22, 2023
North Central Florida
Our 8 chicks have been in a store coop for 5 weeks or so. We let them out during the day to interact with the other hens, and at night they go back to the coop like good girls will do.
I need to clear that coop for the next clutch that broody hen is setting on. What’s the easiest, if there is one, way to get them to go to the big coop at night. I can’t lock them in the new home during the day to get used to it, like we’ve done to previous clutches, since there are older hens currently housing in the bigger coop. I don’t want to displace them if we aren’t out there to open the coop before they say it’s bedtime.
Why aren't you letting her raise them in the main flock? It saves all kinds of hassle.
There was some bullying from older hens when they were smaller, so we kept the brood momma with her chicks until she weaned herself away from them, about 10 days ago. So they are their own little gang of urchins now.
Different Broody Momma is trying to hatch in the big coop atm, so want to have a place away from the bigger hens until chicks get comfortable around them.
Choice 1. Carry or even better heard them to the coop you want them to sleep in every night until they get it. My experience is about a week.
Choice 2. Make a pen inside the coop you want them to home to so bigs can go in and out, but littles can't.
Choice 3 leave the older chicks where they are. Leave broody with the flock and not worry about having to integrate her chicks back later. Continue to let them interact during the day until they decide to try going to the big coop on their own. If they interact during day this could take 6 months. If they don't interact during the day it may never happen.

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