Changing up pecking order


7 Years
Jun 8, 2012
I have been reading alot about how to deal with bully hens as I am having problems after adding some new ones to my yard but most posts talk about dealing with 1 dominate hen and i am having problems with 2, my isa who is top hen and a SLW how has been moving up the ranks as others have died or left, am going to try the separation thing but was wondering if I do one at a time or can I remove both? And if I take out both do I need to separate them from each other?
I'm interested to hear as well...I have seen some changes in my flock ranks and we are about to try hatching some of our eggs (we're in the south, I figure we still have time) as we recently lost a beloved hen. The babies, when feathered, will be the first "additions" to our small flock of currently 3 hens and a rooster. We'll only have room for two or three, and if one turns out to be a roo, we have a home already waiting for him with our aunt. But I worry about the babies and how my girls will treat them.
I'm going to borrow a friend's incubator. My hens aren't broody at all! BUT, just cracked a couple to make waffles and neither were fertilized, so my Roo's fertilization rate may be low. He's working hard at it but may be missing the mark.... I've seen a few that were, so I'm hoping for a 50% hatch rate.

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