Charlie is Such a Good Boy

Wendy Bee

May 5, 2021
Central New York
I do like having a rooster :thumbsup.

So yesterday I let the chickens out earlier than usual, because I knew the weather was going to turn wet and cold and very windy (all the pretty colors on the radar, lol) later in the day. I also needed to take one of the kids to an appointment at 4pm, so I knew the chickens would likely be back in the run when the weather started and I could button things up before I left.

Went out . . . gave some scratch . . . did a head count . . . OF COURSE one is missing . . . a seven month old Silver Laced Wyandotte named Snowflake who twirls when she's stressed. She must have gotten separated from the flock and couldn't find her way back.

So off I went, walking the 3ish acres they free range on. No Snowflake. Wind, rain, but no Snowflake, ha. Snowflake is our 14 yo daughter's favorite chicken, and I prayed, "Father, please show me where she is . . . "


I headed down to the mailbox and walked the road up to the end of the fence line and there she was - just inside the tree line in the far edge of the yard. Whew!

Getting her was the trick - she was in Buckthorn, and I had to be careful to not chase her further into the woods, or I'd never get her! And did I mention that she twirls when she's stressed (she's adorable but weird), so catching her was not going to be a thing, lol. So I made my way through the buckthorn and herded her out into the yard and toward the house. She kind of got the idea after that, and I got her as far as just past the house, but she wouldn't go the rest of the way to the coop, ugh! (Cold rain and wind continuing.)

So I thought . . . Maybe if I get Charlie, she'll follow him to the coop? So, though he protested, I retrieved Charlie from the coop and took him to where Snowflake was, and . . . he's such a good boy . . . he trilled to her, and it took some time, but she followed him to the coop!

So any of you who can have roosters who are on the fence about having a rooster . . . there's nothing like a good Roo 🥰. Thanks, Charlie!

My roosters will go out and round the girls up at roost time, chasing them back the the shed. They stand outside until all are back. Glad you found your girl and your very good rooster helped get her back to the coop. Good roosters are priceless.

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