Charlie's Thread

It hurts me to see him like this.
Don't comfort him, that just reinforces that something bad has happened. No need to ignore him either, just act normal and get him involved in doing something else that he likes to do.
Some dogs are just more noise sensitive and get startled by certain loud or sharp noises. It's not really anything to be terribly concerned about.
When I opened a cabinet door this morning a little bag unexpectedly fell out at me and scared the poop out of me for a second 🤣 it happens.
My girls occasionally get startled by something falling or making a noise and I usually laugh and carry on like it was a joke. They respond very well to that, but GSDs tend to have a good sense of humor, and that may not work so well for some other dogs.
Today was so bad 😭 He played with a new toy and loved it yesterday. Today he kinda liked it at first, then he drops it, tucks his tail and RUNS. He comes back, and I tell him to get in his kennel so he can calm down… great. Except he was now scared of me??? He crouched now to the ground with a slight tail wag and was panting unbelievably. And so I put him in a down stay because sometimes it helps. It didn’t. He got up and tried to eat guinea poop, I said, “noo leave it”… he ate it anyway. But for some reason wanted NOTHING to do with me. Even tho earlier today he was all over me. It’s so hard having a dog with an issue that I have no idea what it even is. I’m not sure if I’ll even take him to our weekly socialization trip on Friday. If the vet doesn’t know who can help, I don’t know what the next step will be. But these sudden panic attack-like episodes he’s been having have GOT to stop. It’s bad for both his own and my own mental health.
Today was so bad 😭 He played with a new toy and loved it yesterday. Today he kinda liked it at first, then he drops it, tucks his tail and RUNS. He comes back, and I tell him to get in his kennel so he can calm down… great. Except he was now scared of me??? He crouched now to the ground with a slight tail wag and was panting unbelievably. And so I put him in a down stay because sometimes it helps. It didn’t. He got up and tried to eat guinea poop, I said, “noo leave it”… he ate it anyway. But for some reason wanted NOTHING to do with me. Even tho earlier today he was all over me. It’s so hard having a dog with an issue that I have no idea what it even is. I’m not sure if I’ll even take him to our weekly socialization trip on Friday. If the vet doesn’t know who can help, I don’t know what the next step will be. But these sudden panic attack-like episodes he’s been having have GOT to stop. It’s bad for both his own and my own mental health.
You need to act as if nothing happened, leave him alone and let him work through these things by himself. By giving him multiple commands during an episode you have unfortunately inserted yourself into and become a part of the problem. You are over analyzing and over managing him, and also likely transferring your own anxiety onto him and making things even worse. You need to relax! How can you expect him to be calm when you are so riled up? ;) Relax!
Try to look at it from Charlie's perspective. Something upset him while playing with his new toy, possibly even something you did, could have been something about your body language or tone. He tucks tail, and you get upset. He feels your disapproval and becomes even more anxious. You order him into the crate reinforcing that something bad has happened and that you are disappointed in him.
You let him out of the crate, he's still worried about you being "mad" at him and is being extremely submissive, you then tell him to down stay which again reinforces your disapproval in his actions.
He starts to calm down a little, decides to go for the guinea poo and here comes yet another reproach.
Give the poor dog a break and give poor you a break. Take a BIG step back and go hands off for awhile, only asking him to do what is absolutely necessary and lower your expectations, a lot. You are waaaay too wrapped up in this if it's effecting your mental health. :hugs
We went to the vet today. I did not ask about his behavior issues… just got the updated vaccines. I feel like putting him on meds will change his personality completely. Besides, he’s been doing awesome this past week. I’m beginning to wonder if it’s possible he went through a fear period? Anyways, guess how much my boy weighs??

He was wagging his tail as he was getting his vaccines :lol:

ALSO! I got him a Nervous Dog patch for his collar. :)

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