Charlie's Thread

Photos from the creek
Is there a humane way to kill minnows? I’m thinking about buying live minnows from the shop and dehydrating them for the dogs but they’re live and I don’t want them to suffer.
Charlie growled at me today. He was overstimulated from playing with Trixie and I went to pet him like usual and he growled and nearly bit me. I messed up- 1.) I didn’t keep my cool. I inhaled and immediately sent him to his crate. And 2.) I shouldn’t have reached to pet him in the first place without even checking his body language or stim

Sigh. Does it ever get better? I wish I had a good trainer. And maybe the trainer could teach me how to work with him the right way.
How do you know when it’s time to let go ? :idunno Sometimes he gets so nervous that he starts having diarrhea.. and idk if being overly scarred of the world is even humane. That’s not a life to live.

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