Check the List!!! February 23rd Raleigh Meeting....Nametag Pics...

Got mine today too..............awesome work were so sweet to send me one..........I will be there in spirit.........on your shoulders watching you all.............dont get into trouble .... Thanks girl
I'll be there.
First name: Tom

Which Golden Corral in Raleigh? I'll look to see if that has already been answered.
I just go my chicks from Ideal today!! Now I have to figure out how to post a pic.

See you all there.
Tom, it's the one on New Bern Ave.

And Okie, we know you'll be there in spirit, and we'll be thinking about ya.
Just be sure to wear your name tag starting at noon on the 23 so we can "feel" your vibes.
This goes for you too Speckledhen.
Mr and Mrs Butthead are coming to see what we can see, and learn as much as possible. Since i know we'll be coming home with some chickens, I am already trying to figure out how to get Mrs Butthead in the trunk so the chicks can ride shotgun with me!
So Please make a couple of tags for us if you get the chance. Thanks...
I'm willing to bet that "Mrs. Butthead" is not too fond of her current name or status.

And to Mr. Butthead, Mrs. Butthead may have YOU in the trunk and the chickens up front with her.

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