Checking birds at night?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Mar 16, 2014
Le Sueur, Minnesota
Heya I was wondering if there is anything wrong with me going in and checking my chickens around 12:30/1am? I work the night shift and don't get off until midnight so don't get home until after 12:30 and I was just wondering if it would be harmful to them to go peak and do my headcount at that time. They seem to be a lot more OK with me petting them at night than during the day and don't seem to be bothered with it, I was just wondering if it would mess up their schedules at all (if they have any??). I have 8 total, 4 regular sized and 4 bantams, and I know for sure 2 of the regulars are roos, not sure about the bantams, I'm thinking one of the little ones is the one that's laying based off the egg size. I'm getting the eggs at really sporadic times, one day in the morning and the next day not until after I've gone to work (so sometime between 2pm and midnight) but I'm thinking that's because she just started to lay about two weeks ago.
Definitely do a head check at night...are they confined to a predator proof run and coop while you're gone?

I wouldn't mess with them too much tho, not a time for socializing as they need to sleep.

They let you touch them because they effectively blind at night, that's the time you can do close inspections with a headlight or move them to other enclosures because they are so docile in the dark.
Great news, thanks!! :D Yeah I don't really bother them to much just the regular head count and a few strokes on the back and an egg check if I didn't get one before I left for work. :) I also try not to make to much noise, luckily I live out in the country because more often than not I wake up one of my roos and he feels the need to blast my ears off if I'm still in there when he decides to say hello! haha

and yes aart they are in a very secure coop/run I've got a few dog kennel panels set up and a poultry netting secured over the top for them. :)
Great news, thanks!! :D Yeah I don't really bother them to much just the regular head count and a few strokes on the back and an egg check if I didn't get one before I left for work. :) I also try not to make to much noise, luckily I live out in the country because more often than not I wake up one of my roos and he feels the need to blast my ears off if I'm still in there when he decides to say hello! haha

and yes aart they are in a very secure coop/run I've got a few dog kennel panels set up and a poultry netting secured over the top for them. :)
Poultry netting, or chicken wire, will keep a chicken in and a hawk out, but it's like butter for raccoon's... think about putting something tougher on the top.

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