Checking in

Mar 26, 2020
Southern Vermont
It’s been a while since I checked in much here, my 5 hens are doing well, not laying of course, but doing well. Sir Winston has made no improvement over the fall and winter with his mobility struggles, but he hasn’t gotten any worse either and he still seems to want to be here. It has been an unusually mild winter, which has certainly helped him. Plans to dig a pond are moving forward but will have to wait until things dry out, I had hoped to make some headway on it over the winter, but since the ground never froze, it didn’t happen.
I want to thank everyone for all the help they have always so willingly and generous provided and also extend a welcome to any newcomers I have missed.
That’s about all the news that’s fit to print here.
It’s been a while since I checked in much here, my 5 hens are doing well, not laying of course, but doing well. Sir Winston has made no improvement over the fall and winter with his mobility struggles, but he hasn’t gotten any worse either and he still seems to want to be here. It has been an unusually mild winter, which has certainly helped him. Plans to dig a pond are moving forward but will have to wait until things dry out, I had hoped to make some headway on it over the winter, but since the ground never froze, it didn’t happen.
I want to thank everyone for all the help they have always so willingly and generous provided and also extend a welcome to any newcomers I have missed.
That’s about all the news that’s fit to print here.
Good to see you, be sure to come back.

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