cherry tomatoes-pie?


pays attention sporadically
10 Years
May 22, 2009
North Central Florida
so...I realize I am the nut in the baked goods here, but have any of you made a sweet pie out of cherry tomatoes? I have some the size of big blue berries and my mind keeps wandering in that direction.
but I don't want to waste the ingredients if it is awful... and it may not be possible.
That's what my husband says. But i do that- and call it quiche. I have had tomato jam and it is good, but it is cooked down. Tomatoes may be too watery. It might just not be a possibility. They are really sugary sweet and I guess that is why I keep wondering about pie.
I am horrible at making pie crusts, so it would have to be store bought. they are $-ive.
I will wait for someone else to wow me with theirs. My aunt makes a sweet vidalia onion pie that I have heard raves about. I guess that is where the idea came from.
I have grown cherry tomatoes that were like eating candy, but they tang right up once you dry them out. I would be interested in your results.

You could try a graham cracker crust, rather than a dough one. They are only $.50 at the store. Way cheaper than the Pillsbury ones. $.50 isnt too bad for an experiment.

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