Chick Bator available..


14 Years
Aug 8, 2008
Queens, NY
i have a Chick Bator available if anyone is interested. It will be for Free, for trading. I'll send the bator and trade for whatever you might want to trade back. This is a great incubator to get started in this hobby and gradually get a different model. Don't hesitate if you are interested.
Hmmmm that would be a great bator for our cub scouts Let me see what do I have to trade???

I have some gardening/landscaping books

Homemade soaps

Homemade jar candles

ummmmmm not sure what else I may have around you might be interested in though

Oh garden seeds too
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Hi smpezzi,
Thanks for replying to my post, i'm glad to offer the bator to you.

Well, for trading i really would like maybe some hatching eggs being quail, pheasant, or other poultry, if you have them available. Or i wouldn't mind at all to wait till spring to receive the hatching eggs if they are available. Since when i bought the bator it costed me $19, i guess it would make sense for you to trade back an item(s) of $19 or less, but not higher.

Glad to help, dont hesitate to ask questions, i'm more than happy to help.


Thanks for your reply! I have buff orps but they aren't laying yet. I agree that the value of whatever I trade should be at least what you paid I am working on it I talked to our cubmaster last night to see what he may have that we could trade with you so he is looking too. If there is someone who has exactly what you are looking for jump on it I know our opportunity for the "right" bator for our cub scouts will come when the time is right but we are all looking to see what we have!

Have a wonderful weekend

yeah, there are a few people who have the pheasant eggs available in the spring for trading to me, but if you really want this bator i have no problem giving it to you. Or are you getting a different bator maybe a different model?

Thanks i appreciate it!!
We aren't sure what we are going to do yet, if nothing else though I do have a homemade bator and another thought I had was to possibly have the scouts make a bator to hatch in. If you have the chance to get the eggs you want jump on it
Don't pass them up on my account I am sure the time will come where you and I can make a trade in the future so no worries on my account! Best of luck and have a great weekend!
I wish you and the scouts well on getting your bator up and running, i hope it turns out great and with many fluffies
that will hatch. Yeah the pheasant eggs, i will get next spring, its a decision between red golden pheasant and Melanistic Mutant Pheasant, i'll have to see but both very beautiful breeds.
Yeah i hope there will come a time where we can trade an item or many items. Off the top of my head i can trade garden seeds (love to garden, do you?)
Tell me about what hobbies you like to do?, so i have an idea of maybe what i can offer to trade in the future.

Thanks Again!!

Have a wonderful weekend!

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