Chick Bedding

I used newspaper while the chicks were little and switched to pine shavings when they went outside. Wishing you all the best with your new little flock!
I'm using sand this time. Used newspaper and straw the first. Sand wins hands down for me. We hatched these chicks and had them in the sand since day 3. They've been in the sand for 2 weeks now. I just added some sweet pdz last night since I could start to smell them. They are in the basement - I know, it's disgusting but spring seems to be a month late this year and it's still too cold in the garage. We have 22 chicks and the brooder is 4'x4' with sand 1/2" deep and it gets cleaned once a day. The sand I'm using is from some sand dunes so it's really fine and there is no dust from the sand. I have noticed a few times that a chick has crap dried on its toe really hard, and don't remember that last year when they were on paper and straw. Maybe I just didn't noticed. Other than that, not really any bad points yet... They did eat quite a bit of the sweet pdz stuff when I put it in. I was actually concerned, but they stopped after an hour or so. Some people say that the sand can get hot under the heat lamp, but our brooder is big enough they can move away if they want.

I like sand.
We are new to the world of chickens but we have many friends who have chicks and I have heard that pine shavings work great! I hope you have success with your chicks!

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