Chick born Cross Beak and Blind

Hello and thank you for your insight on care for a crossbeak chick. I could really use some advice from everyone on how to manage our situation. Our chick is about five weeks old and has a terrible case. Just this week she really stopped being able to eat in her own. We have tried everything from mixing the crumble with water to making a liquidy feeding paste made of egg yolk, whole fat Greek yogurt, and crumble all mixed. I’m just not sure if we’re going to be able to syringe feed her enough times a day to keep her from starving. It is such a slow and painstaking process. I was hoping we could put it in a jar lid and she would try to consume it herself, but she doesn’t even try. Please let me know any tips! Thank you.
How did she do? I'm sorry I haven't had time to check my posts on here! I hope she survived!
From the bottom of our hearts- THANK YOU for posting this. We just rescued a chick with crossbeak who also has no eyes. We have parakeets that we supplemented with feeder formula and I didn’t even think about it until I read this. We have chickens and couldn’t just leave this little one and her sibling (cross beak, one eye) is coming today. You just made our very hungry baby a happy little girl.
Sincerely- Little “Medusa” and The Soul’s Rest Farm Gentlehens
How are they doing? Also with blindness the key is to leave everything in the same exact spot every time you clean or anything. They actually will learn to find their water and food, it just takes a lot of time and patience!!!

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