chick brooder


In the Brooder
Sep 6, 2015
I am getting chicks soon and I was wondering if I could set up the brooder in the coop I already have outside. I was thinking of putting a cardboard box (or whatever I'll be using) inside the coop with the heat lamp above it. Would that work and be ok for the chicks?
If that's what will work best for you,than why not! I would just make sure there is some
sort of top on your brooder,so others can't get at them,nor can they jump out. Also,cardboard may not be the best option as it can be a fire hazard. I'm using a sterilite plastic bin currently for my chicks.
I am getting chicks soon and I was wondering if I could set up the brooder in the coop I already have outside. I was thinking of putting a cardboard box (or whatever I'll be using) inside the coop with the heat lamp above it. Would that work and be ok for the chicks?
Where are you located in the world?
Climate can be a big factor, as can the configuration of your coop.

Are there any other chickens in the coop?

Can you safely apply heat with a lamp?
Another option is a heating pad DIY'd into a chick heater:
I live in Virginia, and these will be my first chickens. I'll have to try putting up the heat lamp to see if it's safe.
If you use a heat lamp, be sure its VERY well secured. If it falls, it'll burn up your brooder, babies and coop (not good, not good at all- and it has happened).
I brood outside in a hutch, with a (very secure) heat lamp. This time of the year I used a 250 watt bulb and it keeps them nice and warm. I have to keep their drinker close to lamp, as the rest of the hutch is whatever temp it is outside. Which is freezing right now. They use the whole hutch, popping under their lamp like they would a hen. If I could start them in the coop, I would, but I don't have electricity in my coops and extension cords would be a pain.

Good luck with your chicks :)

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