Chick can't move legs help!


R.I.P. Lissie
6 Years
Apr 15, 2018

My family ordered forty meat chicks. They are about two weeks old now. Last night I noticed that one of them could not stand up or walk. I brought it to the food and water and it ate and drank. It can kind of move itself by useing it's wings and shuffling. I thought maybe mareks but it is the only one that seems affected. Also one leg isn't out front or anything. I will take pictures. Does anyone have thoughts about why this might be happening?
Thanks in advance!
What % of protein does your feed have? We raise meatbirds every year and they need high protein feed or their legs can't support their weight.

Its 21%. Why would that affect only one of the chicks though? Its only two weeks old also.
Is 21% enough? Should I give them more?
I think it might be more in its ankles. It can straighten its knees but I'm not sure about its ankles.
Not that I'm aware of. Some of them were used for our friends farm camp but when they were returned nothing seemed wrong. I dont know how a chick would break its ankles in their pen either.

Chickens should be able to bend their ankle though right? his chick doesnt seem to be able to. Its like its leg and then its foot but it doesnt have an ankle.
It is more likely not Mareks. Mareks symptoms can only show up at least weeks after exposure to the virus. It is more likely to show up in birds a few months old. Broiler chicks can suffer from leg bone deformities. Injuries also can happen in a brooder. I would probably try vitamin B complex ground or crushed in the food daily, and use a chick chair to get it upright and out of droppings, and then evaluate if there is any improvement in a week or so. Here is an article about bone deformities, and and a thread that shows chick chairs and slings:

It is more likely not Mareks. Mareks symptoms can only show up at least weeks after exposure to the virus. It is more likely to show up in birds a few months old. Broiler chicks can suffer from leg bone deformities. Injuries also can happen in a brooder. I would probably try vitamin B complex ground or crushed in the food daily, and use a chick chair to get it upright and out of droppings, and then evaluate if there is any improvement in a week or so. Here is an article about bone deformities, and and a thread that shows chick chairs and slings:

View attachment 1876563
Thanks for the links!

I think whatever is wrong is in its ankles. They don't bend. My dad tried to bend one and it kind of can but it seemed to hurt. I made it a chick sling. I think it likes it. I have it so it can touch the bottom if it wants or it can lift its feet.

Thanks for your help everyone. I'm glad its probably not mareks. I'm going to try to help this guy. They ordered all roosters so its a he. I'm vegetarian but their not.

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