Chick falling over and lying on back


5 Years
Apr 17, 2014
Blacksburg, VA
I have a 4 week old chick that has some coordination issues. I noticed it about a week ago, he was flailing around on his side, but, at the time, I thought he was just having a dust bath, and he got up and seemed fine, so I didn't think much about it. Today, I found him lying on his back in the rain, so now I know there is something really wrong. He has very poor balance, and has fallen over a couple of times since I brought him in.
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There could be many reasons for uncoordinated movement, such as dehydration, an infection such as coccidiosis, or vitamin deficiency, but Mareks disease could be a possible cause. Was your chick vaccinated for Mareks? Make sure that he is getting plenty of fluids orally, and getting enough to eat. I would probably bring him inside to a dog crate to observe his dropping, and his intake. Start some poultry vitamins in his water. Here is a little bit of info on Mareks disease:
I hope it's a vitamin deficiency. Marek's would mean I'm out of the chicken business. I got the eggs from a breeder and hatched them and they do not have any vaccinations. The chicks I bought were vacinated, so I don't know how he could have gotten it. None of the other chicks are showing any signs, if it was Marek wouldn't more than one be affected?

Looking at pics and video it doesn't really look like Marek. It kind of looks like "crazy chick disease" , vit E deficiency, but he doesn't have the crooked neck. He loses his balance, falls into his back and then will flail a bit then get back up. He doesn't have the curled toes like B2 deficiency.
I'm going to get some chick vitamins and see if that helps.
I may take him to the vet to conclude if it is Marek or not, because, if it is, I can't sell or give away any of my chicks or chickens. If it is, I would feel terrible because I've already sold some. :(
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