Chick hatch surprise, can someone help me learn?


Oct 16, 2021
New Zealand
My Coop
My Coop
Hello wonderful people.
I've just had a 'white' chick hatch. Little fluffy fully creamy yellow down. Here's the thing. I didn't think this was possible. The mother is a lavender araucana (who is possibly not entirely purebred but I purchased her as purebred, our araucanas here in New Zealand are mostly like the British ones not at all like the US ones). The father is a 100% pure barred rock I hatched myself from a very reputable breeder. I expected all chicks to look like little black penguin barred rock types. Which all the other chicks are! I love surprises, but could anyone some shed light on what some genetic options are of what's happening here?

I thought the chick must have hatched from one of my white hen eggs but no, she has definitely hatched from the araucana egg as the brown eggs did not hatch.
I have this one hen that somehow has the dominant gene, and chicks that she mothered always turn out to look almost identical to the mother, instead of the father. I think in your case, the lavender Araucana had the dominant genes, if that's even possible :lol: I'm not sure how the genes work. Surprises are always quite neat!

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