Chick having trouble hatching


10 Years
Jan 6, 2010
Silver Springs
I just hatched 5 out of six chicks two days ago--There is one egg left and we can hear the chick peeping for the last two days--but it is showing no signs of hatching.What can we do??
Is it in a small egg? That is the first thing I thought of. I have set several smaller eggs and sometimes they hatch and sometimes they do not. I assume it has pipped internally but not externally since you hear it peeping. Maybe it just can't get turned around to pip externally due to a small egg. I do not ever help if it does not pip externally. This one may just be behind a couple days also. Make sure you keep the humidity up 65% to 70%. I have read other pip the egg in situtations like yours but this is not something I do. I think it weakens the flock and eventually you will be raising chickens that can not hatch themselves. I sure hope it hatches 100% would be great. Keeping my finger crossed for you and the chick!

Hope I have helped.
Thanks--I know there is a way yo help by partially openeng the egg--but it can also be fatal--I will do what it takes--I would hate to have to throw the egg away knowing that there is a chick in there that i had to let die!!!

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