Chick Integration


In the Brooder
Jun 28, 2016
Nova Scotia, CANADA
Hello again,

I have 4, 7 week old easter eggers and now I want to integrate my 12, 3 week old chicks into the run and coop with the older birds.

I cordoned off a section of the run for both age groups and also a space inside the coop for the chicks.

I haven't seen any signs of aggression through the separation between the groups. They older birds were very interested but that was the extent.

How long do you think I should wait before removing the separation and let them interact?


One good way to integrate is to have small doors in the divider...large enough for the littles to pass thru but too small for the largers, that way the littles have a place of refuge.

Or wait a week as suggested and then take down the fence, see what happens.......multiple feeder/water stations and places to hide from aggressors is always a good thing. Leaning a pallet or something against the wall, open at both ends, can provide a good hiding place.
Originally Posted by aart


You've got lots of space, that really helps!
Nice coop and run.

I left the a pallet in there like you suggested and it is great for them to escape when needed.

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