Chick is a rooster


In the Brooder
Mar 20, 2020
Well, I bought sexed chicks, but I've known for awhile one was a cockerel....problem is, he's a gorgeous Black Copper Maran and I soo want to keep him, in spite of my town's "no rooster " laws. He's a sweetie and very good with the girls so far. Im trying to train him to think im the dominant rooster to curtail most of his crowing... any helpful hints or ideas would be greatly appreciated. Oh, I live where illegal cockfighting is rampant, so giving him away is very sketchy....I already made that mistake once and can hardly stand to think about that poor little sweet roo. 😒


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Unfortunately, there isn't really a way to train a rooster to not crow. And your approach of trying to be the dominant rooster to push him into a quiet state - well, unless you intend to live in the coop with them, I'm not sure if that is going to have much of an effect.

For example, I am 100% the dominant roo in my flock (ex. I walk through my rooster, peck him back if he pecks me, although he rarely pecks me, I can interact with his ladies), but my boy still crows at the neighbor roo all the time. It's just their nature.

There is the no-crow collar which can reduce the volume of the crowing. But I have to offer a big caution against these. They work by restricting airflow on the neck so he can't unleash a full blast crow. As you could imagine, if this is installed incorrectly, this could choke him to death. Use caution if going this route.

As for rehoming him, you could try a post here to see if anyone is in your area and looking for a roo. I know you said that cockfighting is an issue in your area, but if you get a taker here, you can do a sort of background check on the profile to make sure they are a good person for your roo. This will be much better than the near-anonymous nature of craigslist.
Nothing will work. You are in that wishful stage of hoping this will work, (we have all been there). You really cannot train roosters not to crow, not to be aggressive, not to attack. It is like training them not to walk.

Some people do have luck with the collar...
Thank you...I may try the collar. My neighbor's are ok with it, but we have lots of early morning dog walkers..all it would take is one of them reporting it. Anyone ever taken a rooster to their fair to sell? I just want to make sure he isn't used for fighting....
Anyone ever taken a rooster to their fair to sell? I just want to make sure he isn't used for fighting....

Put him up on Craigslist as a for sale and ask money rather than offering him free.

A desirable breed -- which Marans are -- is worth money to the right person and that minimizes the chance of him getting into the hands of someone who is just looking for a free chicken dinner.

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