Chick loves crickets but won't touch starter


11 Years
Feb 27, 2008
Ayer, Massachusetts
One of my 4-day old Welsummer chicks refuses to eat her chick starter. She only pecks at it a few times before losing interest, even though I tap and show her where it is. I nearly lost her yesterday, as she was very weak. I nursed her back to a semi-decent state with sugar/vitamin water and baby crickets. Now she is crazy about crickets but still won't touch her starter. I am going to try hard-boiled egg yolk. Any other suggestions would be appreciated.
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I had one chick that had a hard time eating. I finally made a mash of starter, water, and yogurt and fed it to him with a medicine dropper. It took a couple of days of that, but he did start eating on his own. Hes 5 weeks old and doing awesome!! HTH


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