chick not drinking


6 Years
Dec 29, 2015
Birmingham Alabama
i can't get my wry neck chick to drink any liquid today. I've tried holding bottom beak and placing drops it shakes it out. Ive tried drops on top of beak nothing. It hasn;t wanted anything today, yesterday it drank well. It is eating it's wet mash i added a little more water so hopefully it got some. I am afraid of tube feeding. Hopefully tomorrow will be better
Yes, keep adding water to the feed or mix it fresh often. The more water you add the more she will get. I had an old hen who spent 5 weeks in a basket because she would fall over. She never drank a drop of water in that time, but she lived on watery feed. I put water on her scrambled egg, canned cat food, and watery chick feed.
I added more water to feed he loved the feed I’m so scared it’s not getting enough water I try to feed 5 times a day starting at 5:45 am ending at 7:30 pm

should I be trying to feed more often I don’t want to distress it but also don’t it hungry
Getting a weight on him on a kitchen gram scale would be helpful. That way you can see if he is losing weight. Five feedings a day sounds good.

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