Chick not eating


In the Brooder
Apr 22, 2024
Hello, woke up this morning to let the chicks out and noticed one of them not eating or drinking (13-14 days old) no signs of any injury and no pastey butt
I think it's wings are down here's, any help would be appreciated

(Note, i gave it honey water, had to force drink)
To help kick things off, here are a few questions we'll need to know:

What are you feeding it?
What is the temperature in your brooder?
Have they been outside?

When you say you let them out, what do you mean?
To help kick things off, here are a few questions we'll need to know:

What are you feeding it?
What is the temperature in your brooder?
Have they been outside?

When you say you let them out, what do you mean?
I'm feeding them boiled blugar, tiny crushed corns, and boiled eggs every few days, gave them honey water first 1-2 days

I'm cold brooding them, temp is 70F at night (they sleep inside the house) and during the day I let them out on the porch temp is around 75 to 90

Why I'm not feeding them chick starter? Well sadly I couldn't get access to a good chick starter it's mission impossible to find good quality chick starter in my country without having to travel 100 miles for it
Hmm, you're out of the little area of knowledge I have on chicks, I've never heard of cold brooding and anything other than chick starter being used.

So just throwing out random things here...

Are you sure they are getting enough protein?
Do they have a warmer place to get to in case they get chilly?
Do you get coccidiosis there?
How was the parental nutrition?
Hmm, you're out of the little area of knowledge I have on chicks, I've never heard of cold brooding and anything other than chick starter being used.

So just throwing out random things here...

Are you sure they are getting enough protein?
Do they have a warmer place to get to in case they get chilly?
Do you get coccidiosis there?
How was the parental nutrition?
I'm unsure about the protein I just keep feeding them what I mentioned along with a boiled egg every week (2 weeks now so just 2 eggs, starting to think I should've fed them more eggs)

Outside I put them in a big wooden box when it's windy and close the top enough so they get oxygen and light (pine bedding but I covered that since they started digging and eating the shaving)
while when it's sunny I let them loose on the porch (concrete floor)

I would say we have coccidiosis over here in my country
I think they need more egg too get the protein up, probably everyday. If they were eating the shavings maybe she is full of those?
Can you get them some ground beef or canned tuna for protein as well?
I think they need more egg too get the protein up, probably everyday. If they were eating the shavings maybe she is full of those?
Could be, It's just normal shavings not bagged or anything, got it from a carpenter

I can get them canned tuna, how much should I give them of that?
Can you get them some ground beef or canned tuna for protein as well?
Also they poop like a lot, there's always poop around them and I would say most of the time they scatter their food and it gets mixed with their poop, I don't know what to do about this i would have to change bedding every hour otherwise it's like that
Yes, they loop A LOT, lol.

Do your best to keep their food and poop separate.

I'm not a vet and I've never tried raising them like you are, but I think about 1 tsp per chick for the tuna, try and find tuna that isn't super salty if possible. I have always fed my chicks free choice, as much as they can eat of the chick starter, so eggs have always been a treat, but I think you could almost feed them as much egg as they can eat since you don't have starter as an option.

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