Chick not sitting up


Jun 8, 2020
I have a chick that during hatching the membrane was extra thick and dried out. After trying for a long time (it had given up and was no longer chirping) we assisted it. When it finally got the last of its shell off its feet looked like they hadn’t had good circulation they were pale and not responsive. It’s legs were pulled in tight to its body even when you would pick it up. It won’t stand up just ‘paddles’ it’s legs off to one side and flaps its wings. I have stretched it’s legs out to get more circulation and movement in them and it seems to help. It is drinking and eating if I put it by the food/water but can’t get there by itself. I’m pretty sure it’s not Spraddle leg. Can anyone help?
I have been doing a method for strengthening her legs and it seems to be helping. However, her feet still seem unresponsive to what she wants them to do! Any suggestions???
I recently had a chick that had a long hatch, and it had trouble standing. By the next day (maybe 10 hours) it was just fine. I hope your little little will be okay too!


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