Chick not standing on day 2


9 Years
Feb 24, 2010
We have a new chick that has yet to stand on day 2. She doesnt even seem to be trying to stand, there doesnt seem to be anything wrong with her legs physically. She also seems to have a hard time keeping her head up, and sleeps alot.
Dip her beak in warm sugar water to try to give her some energy. Keep her warm. Others will chime in with more advice, I'm sure...
3 a.m. chick died during the night. Mourning period. Did she die from oxygen deprivation? Meaning was there a moment when she struggled too long during the hatch. Was it breed *incompatability*? We keep all of them in a oversized area, all breeds are mingling freely. Bantams, Standards, one big happy flock. Was there not enough humidity in incubator? The water troughs were kept full, however we didn't place sponges or extra water in with them during lockdown. We also don't have a hygrommeter. We had a dozen total, only one more started to hatch, partial hatch, it died as well. The remaining 10 we suspect have expired as well, no peeping, no movement, day 24. They may have been quitters. we candled at intervals as suggested, keeping conditions sanitary. Embryo developements were consistent with growth charts.
I don't know if we know why this happens. I had one like that. I think sometimes they hatch and just aren't ready for life. I would check your temperatures though. Low temps could delay a hatch and cause weak chicks. I think that was my problem.
We have ran through more possibilities
1 Too hard of a shell, oyster shells were placed for free chioce feed suppliment.
2 Humidifier in room where incubator is may have not helped with room ambient humidity.
3 Zygote incompatability.
4 Just plain bad luck.

On a positive note, I have the best friend and future wife:love in the ENTIRE world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! With her brains and my whimsical ways of life, we have a great outlook on life,
so we will get it right. We are attempting to raise our own Polish black white tops. Loads:lau and loads:lau of fun watching all our "kids". thanks for the comments. We certainly will keep posting.
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