Chick not walking right


Keeper of tiny dinos
Apr 17, 2019
A chick that hatched yesterday is not walking the way it should be walking by now like the others born yesterday. She kinda walks on her whole leg and doesn't really stand up at all. We gave her a liquid booster directly and in their water, but what could be causing her to walk like this and how else can I help??
I just had one die that did the same thing. He would also turtle-back, that is fall on his back and couldn’t get up on his own. He acted normal other than that. It was an Old English Game bantam, came from the feed store which get their birds from Hoover’s. My assumption is travel stress, or stress in general is a killer. You’ll want to go pick up some of this stuff that gives stressed chicks a boost. I can’t recall the name, but I know it’s not save a chick. Like ASAP and then always keep some on hand, the first few days of a chicks life can make or break them. Best of wishes.
I just had one die that did the same thing. He would also turtle-back, that is fall on his back and couldn’t get up on his own. He acted normal other than that. It was an Old English Game bantam, came from the feed store which get their birds from Hoover’s. My assumption is travel stress, or stress in general is a killer. You’ll want to go pick up some of this stuff that gives stressed chicks a boost. I can’t recall the name, but I know it’s not save a chick. Like ASAP and then always keep some on hand, the first few days of a chicks life can make or break them. Best of wishes.
These are home hatched chicks. She's not flipping on her back at all and already gave her a liquid booster to support her and try and help her. There is no travel stress what so ever. We lost three to that when we got our two bantams last week. Three out of those five died even after being given the booster.
Stress in general. Doesn’t matter if it’s travel related. That chick bring by itself will stress it, not helping the situation. Mine only toppled on its back when it tried to jump at the other chicks, walked the same as yours. If it’s not developmental issues I would assume it’s environmental or stress or both. Good luck
Not environmental. Tookmuch a closer look and noticed her leg is wrong. She's not holding it right. She'd be able to walk right if it weren't for that leg. what can I do to fix this?
IMO would be to wrap it regardless. If it’s having problems as a chick, I can’t imagine it walking normal as an adult. Bones are softer when young. I’m not searching through the threads for you to find how to do it, I know it’s there though. Best of luck to your chick.

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