I have about 50 eggs in my incubatore . The eggs werent due until thursday and friday but they strted hatching last night . So far i have 3 chicks . i have 2 that are zipping around the eggs as we speak . while i was taking the eggs out i seen an egg that had pipped but had blod in the cracks . I left it alone . Well about 2 hours later i looked and it had pipped more and there was sighns of more blood . i removed a piece of the shell and the chick made a whole through the skin of the egg and there is blood . Is it hatching prematurly (sry about the spelling ) there seems to be alot of blood
Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated
P.s . the 2 chicks just came out of the eggs . There are white silkies
so that makes 5 chicks today woot
also another egg pipped and there is a little blood but no wheres as much blod as the other ? whats going on
Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated
P.s . the 2 chicks just came out of the eggs . There are white silkies
so that makes 5 chicks today woot

also another egg pipped and there is a little blood but no wheres as much blod as the other ? whats going on
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