Chick Pooping Technique???


8 Years
Jun 9, 2011
Bay Area
Ummm I don't know if anyone else's chicks do this ...... but mine do this weird thing right before they poop.
They pull their wings back and above their head, stretch out their neck, and make a BIG POOP

That's how I know they're about to poop on me

How about your chicks?
One of my chicks does that too! It doesn't look like it's straining to poop though, I could be wrong. Do they do this every time they poop or just when they have a "big poop"?
All of mine do the same, They do it a thousand times a day ........ well, maybe it only seems like they poo a thousand times because as soon as I've clean it up they've already redecorated the fresh bedding.
Mine did that too and now that they are (roughly) 20 weeks, they do the same thing, just not as noticible

It is good to watch out for that cause then you can run away and not get pooped on
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