Chick swallowed twine, now dieing

She started to eat the dry food and is drinking a fair amount now. She is even looking more perky already, seems she will be back to her bully self in no time.

Look at the size difference, the two BO are the same age.
I am glad to hear she is doing better!!!

My cat Maya ate stitching off a blanket and had to have surgery because it was all stuck in her throat and intestines. Cost me 800.00 to save her but she is worth it.
I'm so glad she turned the corner. When they turn the corner they REALLY turn the corner. Watch her but it sounds like she's on the mend. I went through something similar last month. Mine had something stuck in her crop. I was considering culling her when she suddenly just got better.

Don't worry about the size difference. My Idgie caught up and now I have a hard time telling her from her sisters.

I hope everything is uphill from here.
My 2 week old chick ate the thread I was sewing with the other day, the only thing that saved her is she got it tied into a knot around her tongue!
It took all three of us- DD, DH and I to get it off without damaging her. She would have died if I didn't notice when I did. I was just imagining a tongueless chicken!

I'm glad your baby is doing better- crazy things happen!
YAY!!!! Happy to hear that she is doing better.

My favorite chick, Miss Molly Mouth, got a thread tangled on her leg one day. It wasn't swollen when I found her but it must have been numb as she limped when I removed it from her. She was better by that evening but I felt terrible about leaving it where she could get to it.

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